Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The reviews are in: The League is a HIT!

I'm virtually blown away...

I was a part of the first League of Extraordinary
Minds panel discussion, and I gotta admit--this is
WAY better than I ever expected.

The guest panelists that Jay Abraham and Rich
Schefren had invited were tops in their field. And
the amazing insights and incredible strategies
they delivered were unlike anything I had ever
heard of.

Seriously--my mind is reeling with new ideas and
breakthroughs as I go over the pages and pages of
notes that I took. And apparently, I'm not the
only one.

There were literally THOUSANDS of marketers and
entrepreneurs listening to the webcast last
Thursday--so many, in fact, that Alexa had them
ranked at #9 for that time period.

(Whew...that's a TON of people folks)

Here's a few comments from those who were there...


Karl says:
     "The panel members were extraordinary as the
     name states. These millionaires have
     absolutely brilliant insights coming from so
     many different angels that it resonated with
     me on an unbelievable level. Thank you to all
     the panel members."

Greg says:
     "How could I go wrong engaging and enlisting
     some of the strongest minds in business.
     There are too many things to list that I have
     taken away from these interviews. If the rest
     are like this... I will be miles ahead of
     where I am now. I definitely plan on telling as
     many people as possible about this "Extraordinary"
     series. I'm already looking forward to the
     next one."

Gerard Wong says:
     "The first session was filled with so much
     distilled wisdom and practical strategies
     that would have taken many years for an
     individual to discover by himself. The panel
     has translated the confusion into useful
     actionable items.

     Kudos also to Jay and Rich, not only for
     putting the whole thing together but also for
     the invaluable insight from their own
     interpretations of the panel discussion."

Conray says:
     "I have travel around the world seeking some
     of the wisdom of the greatest business minds
     SEVERAL times, I have been on the top
     training programmes and learned a lot, BUT at
     a huge expense and major cost. At this
     webinar I got the most amazing value in
     comfort of my home! This is a real WOW!"

Anise says:
     "The experts helped clarify why some things
     have not been going well in my present
     business, the things that need to be
     addressed and the means to do it."


So the big question is...what weren't YOU there?

Because this is obviously striking a chord with
the business and marketing community. And it's
definitely delivering on everything that Jay and
Rich promised it to be.

So why not get in on the action and register for
the next panel coming up on Thursday night,
November 5th?

It's titled, "Using Brain Based Marketing to
Engineer Irrefusable Offers: Getting People Who
Don't Buy to Buy Enthusiastically"

And here's the expert panelist lineup:

- Dan Ariely... is the author of "Predictably
Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our
Decisions" and Professor of Behavioral Economics
at Duke University.

- Ori Brafman...Author of "Sway: The Irresistible
Pull of Irrational Behavior" and a lifelong
entrepreneur, his quest is to uncover the reasons
why perfectly rational people make irrational

- Dr. Robert Cialdini.. Author of "Yes!: 50
Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive,"
"Influence: Science and Practice" and "Influence:
The Psychology of Persuasion."

- Pam an internationally recognized
expert in understanding the mind of the consumer.
An author of books on consumer psychology and
behavior... including "Why People Buy Things They
Don't Need."

- Dan Hill...Author of "Emotionomics: Leveraging
Emotions for Business Success," Dan is a
recognized authority on the role of emotions in
consumer and employee behavior.

- Christophe Morin...Co-author of Neuromarketing:
Understanding the Buy Buttons in Your Customer's
Brain, and "Chief Pain Officer" at SalesBrain

Sounds like an amazing group of experts, doesn't it?

But you need to get registered NOW. So go do that
right here (remember--it's free).

See you inside!

P.S. Jay and Rich are just getting started here...

There's 9 total panel sessions in all, with
subjects ranging from A to Z. And each one is
bound to give you at least a handful of takeaways
and "aha moments that you can start implementing

So go ahead and get registered for the upcoming
panels. Again, it costs you ZERO, but the benefits
can be worth tens of thousands of dollars in
profits for your business.

It's really easy, and you can do that right here.  or


Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting!

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