Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GREENPEACE ACTION ALERT: Fonterra implicated in rainforest destruction



Dear Friend,

You may have seen news reports of the link between New Zealand dairying giant, Fonterra, and the destruction of rainforests in Indonesia and Malaysia.

You can read the full story here and take action here

Here's a message from Suzette Jackson who went to Indonesia to investigate the story:

As a Greenpeace supporter, I thought you would like to know that your support has enabled us to expose this environmental crime.

Fonterra owns 50 per cent of  RD1, which has formed a joint venture with Wilmar International -  a palm company with a terrible reputation for destroying rainforests to make way for palm plantations.

In Indonesia and Malaysia, ancient forests are being cut and burned down in order to make way for palm plantations.  This deforestation,and the burning of peat lands, are contributing in a major way to climate change. This is the reason that Indonesia is the worlds third biggest greenhouse gas emitter. 

The destruction is also wiping out the habitat of endangered animals like the orangutan and the Sumatran tiger.

I have just returned from Indonesia, where I witnessed this first hand, and the evidence that we have gathered has enabled us to tell this story to New Zealand.

The growing demand for palm kernels as animal feed in New Zealand is a key contributor to the problem.  Fonterra is using supplementary feed to drive the increasing industrialisation and intensification of dairying in this country.

You may have heard the claim this is just a by-product of the palm industry as if that made it acceptable. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The Malaysian Palm Oil Board describes palm animal feed as an important economic part of the palm industry. It is indefensible for Fonterra and New Zealand to have any involvement in this destructive trade.

That is causing major environmental damage, and our agricultural emissions are rising rapidly.  Our clean, green reputation is at risk.

The importation of palm-kernel animal feed must stop.  Please email the New Zealand Government as it needs to put pressure on Fonterra and help stop palm based animal feed being imported into New Zealand

Best regards ,
- Suzette Jackson


Watch the video



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11 Akiraho Street, Mount Eden, Auckland

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Letter from Adam: Profiting From The Panic… 7 Months Later

Subject: Profiting From The Panic… 7 Months Later


On Jan 24, I launched my book 'Profit from the Panic- How to Profit
from the Worst Financial Crisis Since the Great Depression'.

=> [Profit From The Panic website]

At thetime, the US market (Dow Jones) had plunged from 14,000 points
to 8,000 points (a 43% decline) and the Singapore market crashed
from 3,800 points to 1700 points (a 56% decline).

Great companies like Singapore Exchange (SGX), Capitaland, General
Electric, American Express, etc were selling 50%-90% below their
intrinsic values.

Sentiment in the market was that of FEAR. Very few people dared to
buy stocks after losing so much money in the last 15 months since
the crisis started. I on the other hand, was feeling really GREEDY
for huge profits.

My main purpose of writing the book then was that I knew that the
stock market was very much undervalued and that the market downturn
was coming near to the bottom (although I did not know exactly when
it would be). I also shared the fact that from studying the history
of past recessions, what goes down MUST always come up. In the long
term, the stock market will ALWAYS recover higher than ever before.

The book was to share with people how I was selecting the best
stocks to buy at the time. In the book, I gave lots of ideas such
as buying oil futures ETF (USO), S&P 500 ETF (SPY), Dow Jones ETF
(DIA) and China ETF (FXI), all 50%-70% down from its pre-crisis
levels. I also shared about how I selected super undervalued
companies like American Express (intrinsic value of $60) selling at
only $16 & General Electric (intrinsic value $30), selling at only

I also talked about buying Singapore stocks like Bestworld
International (intrinsic value $0.78) selling at $0.19, SGX
(intrinsic value $7.60) selling at $5 and Capitaland (intrinsic
value $3.60) selling at just $1.90. I said that anybody who wanted
to make lots of money had to grab this once in a lifetime
opportunity where it was the great Singapore and Wall Street Sale
for Stocks.

At that time people thought I was crazy for suggesting to buy
stocks while the economy was in a recession. Sure enough, the
market kept going lower for the next one month, and I accumulated
more and more stocks. What gave me the confidence then? Well, I
knew that history always repeated itself and the wise words of
Warren Buffett gave me confidence: 'Be greedy when others and
fearful and be fearful when others are greedy'. Buy stocks when
nobody else wants to buy and start selling when everyone realizes
that it is time to buy.

Then in March 2009, the stock market made a turn and stocks
exploded upwards. For the last 4 months (Mar-July) The US Market
has risen 41% to 9,200 points and the Singapore market has risen
73% to 2,600 points.

Most of my stock picks have near doubled and some even tripled from
when I bought them. Here are some of the gains I have made since
then. American Express made +69.23%, Bestworld made +83.33%,, GE
made +32% +14%, FXI made +50% etc...a six figure profit in just 4
months. To celebrate, took my family on a long holiday and brought
my kids to Disneyland.

=> [Profit From The Panic website]

The best part is that I am happy that the many people who attended
Wealth Academy, bought my books then, had faith in my teachings and
took action have benefited tremendously as well. Also, all the
royalty proceeds from the more than 10,000 copies sold have been
donated to charity.

Many people who have missed out on this great stock market rally
over the last 4 months have asked me if it is too late. My answer
is yes and no. For some stocks, they are currently a bit overvalued
and in the short term, there should be a downward correction.

However, there are still a lot of stocks that are hugely undervalued
and there is still a lot more upside to go. If you like to get your
own copy of Profit From The Panic, please go to:

=> [Profit From The Panic website]

To your success,

PS. What do you think? Share your thoughts and comments on my blog:

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Learn from my closest marketing advisor...

James Ray InternationalLearn from my closest marketing advisor...

I sent out a video last week about Brad Antin, one of my closest marketing advisors, and because of the responses you sent in, I asked Brad to reveal some of his most important marketing principles on the phone with me.

And you're invited to listen in for free.

I credit Brad with contributing to the rapid growth of my business, and he can do it for you too. You've really got to listen to this call:

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Wednesday, August 12th
Time: 10:00 AM Pacific (Replay at 5:00 PM Pacific)
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This call is open at no cost to you, and since phone line capacity is limited, please be sure to register to reserve your spot.

To your continued wealth and happiness,

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International, Inc.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brand new method guaranteed to generate cash *FAST*

Here's something that you'll probably NEVER forget.... (click below)

It's pissing off almost EVERY "wealth guru" on the planet and
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and there's virtually ZERO chance for you to lose money.

As you may know, I've tried out many wealth "systems" back in my

This includes even the private mastermind clubs with top well-known
"wealth" gurus.

Guess what?

NONE of them worked despite their good intentions. Arrgh - it was
embarrassing for me.

Sorry to be blunt today but most of them SUCKED at teaching what they
knew (and the methods were prone to serious error for any follower).

My rule now... only do it if it's PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Something that WORKS no matter if you're in debt, computer
illiterate, simply can't get motivated, or feel down due to a

This will be worth every moment to see ... especially you see
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(read their raw testimonials inside)

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Set it and FORGET it. True Error-proof Automated Wealth.

He says it's better that you get inside, activate the process,
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... and it's a beautiful thing.

I dare you to check out if that is true with his system ... (let's
just say {!firstname_fix}, you won't be disappointed)

Oh, I have a personal analogy to share.... because I'd even get one
of these systems for a loved one.

Whenever I give people gifts now ... I always try to give them something
that will make them GROW rather than something that just pleases them.

Think about it... a shiny new toy OR a priceless system that can
grow their wealth easily, if not at a geometric rate. They can then
use this wealth to buy MANY shiny toys (cars, boats, homes, whatever!)

What makes more sense... seriously what will benefit them in the

Do the same for yourself and yours.

P.S. I urge you to immediately use Jamie and Lance's system that's
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Friday, August 7, 2009

The Secret Of Making Money Online - by Dean James

The Secret Of Making Money Online
by Dean James From

For many people the idea of making money online is pretty cool. When I first started thinking about making money outside of my job I had visions of swinging in a hammock sipping Pina Colada as the money poured in. When I woke up I realised that in order to actually make any of this happen I was going to have to take action and actually do something.

It may not seem apparent, but I just gave you part of the secret right there. Taking action is one major part of making money online. To ensure you continue taking action you need to feel motivated.

How Do You Get And Stay Motivated?

You do it by concentrating on your successes and start making money online as quickly as possible. I'm not talking about making a million dollars by this time next week. I mean making your first dollar. Everything starts with that first dollar. Why? Because once you know HOW to make that dollar, you know how to replicate that and make as many dollars as you want.

But To Do That You Need A System

Yes, it's true. To do this you need a system you can follow which shows you how to reliably and consistently make money online. It also has to be a system that is scaleable that you can repeat over and over until you are earning what you want on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

I Used It To Make Over $100 A Day Online

When I first started trying to make money online I was making the odd dollar here and there, but it was enough to motivate me and keep going. As I got better at what I was doing, before long I had a system that worked like crazy. A system that allowed me to make $102.36 and more a day online. That's great for me, but what about you?

My Gift To You

I remembered what it was like to be struggling to make money on the internet. I know what it's like to have nothing and wish that someone would just show you what to do so you can make real money instead of going around in circles. I decided to write what I did step-by-step in an Ebook and give it away for FREE. This way I could help as many people as possible start to make money online using a system that I have proven already works.

It's a no-brainer, right?

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Greenpeace NZ: Foodtown costing us our oceans

Greenpeace NZ

Hi Friend,

Today a team of Greenpeace activists locked down a fishing trawler in the port of Auckland.

Action image

Their action highlighted the fact that supermarkets such as Foodtown have no sustainable seafood policies and are therefore fueling a demand for seafood caught from unsustainable fisheries.


Without a sustainable seafood procurement policy Foodtown and other NZ supermarkets are complicit in the destruction of our oceans.

Please send your own message to the supermarkets.

Thank you for your support,

Nick Young

Take action

Send a message to the Supermarkets


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Greenpeace NZ Inc.
11 Akiraho Street, Mount Eden, Auckland

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