Saturday, April 24, 2010

How To Choose A Reliable Home Based Business

If you want to be a successful network marketer the first thing you will need to do is choose a reliable home based business that provides all of the essential tools and support that you need to progress and build your organisation.

With so many different home based businesses to choose from it can be easy to lose your sense of direction and become overwhelmed with all of the different information that is available. This is why its important to not rush into anything before you have fully researched each opportunity until you find the one which is right for you.

There are four things that you need to look out for:

1. Quality product or service. The most important part of any home based business is the product or service that is being offered as part of the membership. If its high quality and actually helps each member to progress or provides them with a useful service it will be easier to recruit new prospects because the product or service will actually be beneficial to them.

2. Lead capture page. Its essential that the home based business provides a lead capture page that members can use to recruit new prospects into their organisation. Each member should be provided with a unique referral link that displays their own lead capture page which they can use in their advertising campaign.

3. Follow up system. As well as the lead capture page the home based business must also provide a follow up system that automatically emails leads until they decide to take action. Its common knowledge that most prospects will not take any action on their first visit to a website so you need to follow up with them multiple times with an auto responder.

4. Excellent support. Another important part of any home based business is the support which they provide so that members can get help if they encounter any problems. If you join under an experienced sponsor they will also provide you with training and guidance to help you get started as quickly as possible.

As well as the requirements above you will also need to find a home based business that has already established themselves in the marketplace. This is why its better to join a home based business that has already become successful and has a proven track record for a long period of time because it will continue to grow and expand.

Finding a reliable home based business that provides a quality product or service with a proven marketing system is extremely important. If you are going to dedicate a substantial amount of time and effort into building an organisation you need to be sure that the home based business you choose is there for the long term.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

1 man..1 campaign...1 week = $6,016.34 (shocking)

A TRUE short-cut?

Are you TIRED of reading hundreds of pages of manuals, watching hours of videos, and sorting though the clutter trying to make money online?

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A TRUE short-cut?

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Talk soon,

P.S. IMPORTANT - Just copy, paste and start earning through other people's hardwork!

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tips to Finding the Perfect Therapist

Tips to Finding the Perfect Therapist

When you have an anxiety disorder, it is important to seek help in order to overcome your anxiety. Anxiety disorders include obsessive-compulsive disorder, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder, among other things. Millions of people suffer from anxiety disorders, and the only way to overcome these things is to find help from a professional. While your medical doctor may be able to treat you, another important person in your life should be your therapist. Make sure you find the best therapist possible to treat your condition by using the following tips.

First, look for a therapist that is recommended by others. The best form of advertising is word of mouth, because you can be sure that the therapist is skilled and has helped others in the past. You can ask your doctor for recommendations, but others suffering from anxiety disorders will probably be able to tell you even more about therapists in the area. You can contact other patients with anxiety disorder by going to support groups, which are often offered at your local community center or hospital.

Another great tip for finding the perfect therapist is to look for someone specifically advocating the kind of treatment that interests you. For example, if you want to talk about your problems and try to understand your thought process and reasoning behind your anxiety, a therapist specializing in cognitive therapy will probably work best for you. If you want to overcome a specific phobia, a therapist interested in desensitization may work best instead. There are a number of different kinds of treatments, and if you have a specific kind in mind, be sure to find a therapist advocating that kind of treatment.

Lastly, when looking for a therapist consider more than personality—consider convenience. Although you of course want a therapist who is easy to talk to and friendly, you should also take into consideration how many patients he or she sees, because this will indicate the amount to time available to be spent on you. Also look at the distance from his or her office to your home and consider a therapist who is willing to meet your specific needs.

Every therapist is different, so someone who works well for another patient may not be the best choice for you. If you are unhappy with your therapist for any reason, remember that you can leave to look for a new therapist at any time. For the most stable treatment, find a therapist you like and stay with that therapist until you feel as though you have overcome your disorder.


OCD in the Home

OCD in the Home

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD, is just one of the many kinds of anxiety disorders affecting millions of people around the world. People with OCD often find that they do specific rituals and these obsessions can make it very difficult to interact with people in public. However, if you stay home all the time, you are actually hurting yourself even more. There are many ways to OCD-proof your home in order to move forward with your treatment and with overcoming OCD in your life completely.

First, you need to identify your obsessions. People obsess with everything from fear of dying to germs. Your obsessions will be the things you think about all the time, even when you wish you weren't thinking about them. Next, identify your compulsions. Compulsions will be things that you feel like you must do because of you obsessions. For example, you may feel like you need to clean you bathroom a certain number of times a day or say a phrase a certain number of times repeatedly. Knowing your specific obsessions and compulsions is not difficult, but it is nevertheless the first step to helping to improve your condition while at home.

OCD might become a regular part of your life while you are at home where as you might be able to control yourself more readily when you are in public. Why? You may simply find it embarrassing to give in to your obsessions when you are around other people. That proves that you can actually have control, you just don't want to, for whatever reason, when you are at home. To combat this, invite friends into your home often. When your home becomes, essentially, a public place, you'll be less tempted to give in to your obsessions and compulsions, and over time your brain will be automatically programmed to perceive your home as somewhere where these activities are not ok.

Another great way to combat OCD in the home is to purchase a stopwatch. Whenever you begin to obsess about something stop the watch, and when you're back in control, stop the watch. Do this throughout the day and then every night check out your total time for the day. You may be surprised about the time you've been wasting! Chart your progress and keep in mind this waste whenever you begin to obsess—you could be doing more enjoyable things with your time. OCD affects everyone, not just you, so by stopping your OCD behavior in the home you can work on a positive step towards recovery for yourself and those around you.



Dealing with Phobias

Dealing with Phobias

One of the most common kinds of anxiety disorders are phobias, which are irrational fears surrounding a specific object or situation. With this type of disorder, the fear is persistent and reoccurring, even though the feared object or situation entering a person's life is often out of control of that person. This anxiety disorder is affecting up to 18% of Americans and is the second most common mental illness among men and the most common mental illness among woman. For many, phobias interfere with daily life.

Luckily, there is help. There are many ways to treat phobias, no matter how they have developed. If you think that you suffer from a phobia, no matter what it may be, see your doctor immediately. He or she can recommend a treatment plan for you so that you can begin to overcome your fears and take back the control of your daily life. Phobias do not have to say with you forever.

Clinical phobias are separated into three main categories: social phobias (in which a person fears involvement with people and social situations), specific phobias (in which a certain trigger like heights, spiders, water, or flying can cause fear), and agoraphobia (in which a person fears leaving the comfort and familiarity of home or a safe area). There are many different treatments you can try in order to cope with any of these phobias.

Virtual reality is a relatively new kind of treatment used specifically to desensitize a patient. With virtual reality, a person is immersed in fear until becoming immune to it, essentially. You can also actually put the patient in a fearful situation, but this can sometimes be dangerous or expensive, so virtual reality is a great alternative. It also gives patients the chance to pull the plug, so to speak, if needed, so more patients agree to this treatment.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy may also work to help overcome a phobia. With this method, you examine your specific thoughts and behaviors and work to overcome them. You can do this one-on-one with a therapist or in a group setting. By understanding your fears, it may be easier to realize that your fears are irrational.

Anti-anxiety drugs may also help you make strides towards overcoming your phobias. These medications are prescription strength and are available for both long-term and short-term use. One example of a drug that has help people with phobias is benzodiazepine. Often, medication works best in conjunction with other types of therapy treatments.
