Friday, October 30, 2009

Complete autopilot?? Something you must see....

You know how you always hear about autopilot income... and how it always
requires a lot of hard work...

.. in fact, it mostly turns out that it's not autopilot at all, right?

Well, that's about to change, and this 18 year old ex-furniture mover is going to
tell you exactly what it's all about...


Go there, and check that out right now.

But be warned. This is underground stuff. You've never heard of this guy.
You've probably never heard of his stuff.

Don't let that (or his age) fool you though – this guy is an ASSASSIN.

He's been quietly creaming a big income from under the noses of the
very biggest names online... and most of them didn't even see it coming.

And when I say big income, I mean it.

This guys been making upwards of $10 or $15k every single month for a while

But here's the crazy part – he does it with these tiny little websites, that are
free to set up, don't required any work to promote them or anything, and they
even generate their own traffic.

Told you it was crazy. Check out the video to see what I mean:

But you know what else is weird about this guy?

He claims that these little sites will just generate continuous income once they're
set up.

And not just for a couple days, or even a week... these things keep running for
YEARS, lining your pockets the whole time.

If you've got even a passing interest in spending an hour or two putting up
a (really) simple site...

.. and then spending the money for the next couple years, (and let's face
it, who doesn't?) you need to go and watch this video now...

But do it fast. It can't stay up forever.

To your success!

P.S. This is TRUE autopilot – real set and forget stuff. You could take a vacation
for a month, and still be making the exact same cash...


Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Be Brave, Be Very Brave...

I want to ask you to do something that might go
against your nature.

You see, most people are terrified of anything

And they're afraid of anything they haven't done

Plus they're leery of taking any kind of "leap of

That's why so many people are STUCK right where
they are.

They're STUCK in a job they hate, driving a car
they don't like, living in a neighborhood they
don't care for.

They might not like their way of life, but change

What if...

What if they make a mistake?

What if they screw up?

What if someone  LAUGHS at them?

Best to just put your head down and resign
yourself to the life you have now, because
ANYTHING else is scary, right?

And what if...

What if they DO try something new, and they LIKE
it, and they're GOOD at it... they're going to be KICKING themselves for
not having taken the chance SOONER!


Is any of this stuff holding you back?

Because if it's not, you're the EXCEPTION, not the

Most people let fear RUN their lives.

Here's an example...

I've been talking about a program called
"Automated Cash Formula."

Now, on the sales page it does an excellent job

a. telling you everything it is NOT

b. giving you plenty of examples and testimonials
to show you that it does in fact work.

To sum it up in a nutshell, "Automated Cash
Formula" is a system devised by a lazy window
washer to make money online WITHOUT any technical
skills and WITHOUT spending any money (other than
on the system itself, which is dirt cheap.)

I've had a LOT of people grab their own copies of
it, and a couple have already emailed me to tell
me they LOVE IT.

But I've had just as many people tell me that they

You know why???

Because ...

a) the website does NOT give you all the details
of what you'll be doing to earn money (you have
to buy the system to get that)

b) because it sounds REALLY GOOD! Or as some say,
it sounds too good to be true.

Do you know that there are guys and gals who do
nothing more than sit behind a desk 20 - 40 hours
per week, listen to the reports of their staff,
and occasionally make a decision or two...

...who earn more in a year than the gross national
product of small countries???

That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

Yet it is true!

I could give you a hundred examples of, "too good
to be true, "but who needs them?

Look, knowing EVERYTHING you know about marketing
online... you really think that working for two hours
to make a few hundred dollars or more is

There are people out there who make FOUR AND FIVE
AND SIX figures simply by sending an email to
their list promoting a new product!!!

And I'm not even asking you to take a chance or a

All I'm saying is, check the program out and see
what you're missing.

Find out what it's all about.

See if you don't agree with every one of the
testimonials you find on this page...

And if you don't, you get your money back!

And it's not even very much money at all,
especially considering what you get in return.


Okay, rant over.

Here's just a small sample of what you'll discover
in the "Automated Cash Formula..."

--Forget doing any technical stuff. If you can
click a mouse, you can do this...

--How to vastly increase your profits...

--The one magic sentence that gets other people
desperate to make YOU money...

--Why you won't need to speak to anyone to
succeed at this...

--Where to get mind blowing software that will
supercharge your efforts by doing 2 hours work for
you in about 10 minutes...

--Genuine autopilot income that doesn't involve
you promoting anything yourself. You're not
selling a product or dealing with customers.

In fact, you're not even doing any marketing!

--How to use secret search engine tricks to make
money WITHOUT SEO, pay-per-click or any kind of

--The simple 'Plug & Play' system that makes you
money on autopilot 24/7...

--How to rake in even MORE cash on total
autopilot with The Advanced Viral Cash Avalanche

--Why you've got ENDLESS income opportunities
using these systems... In fact, you can make money
with this from now until forever...

--AND you can make money from practically ANYWHERE
in the world - all you need is access to a
computer with an Internet connection.

P.S. As Wayne Gretsky said, "You miss 100% of the
shots you don't take."

Take a shot.

It could be the best thing you ever did for

If it's not, no worries. You get 100% of your
money back, no questions asked.


Forget Distractions, Long Hours, No Time For The Kids, Failing @ Your Business, Ignoring Your Spouse!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Put More Cash In Your Pocket - Loral Langemeier

Greetings & hello,

Loral Langemeier's New Bestseller is Available TODAY!

The author of three previous books that have made the
New York Times, Business Week, USA Today, and Wall Street
Journal bestseller lists and a regular financial expert
on Dr. Phil, Loral Langemeier is known for her ability
to take readers in any stage of their lives and help them
make more money.

"Put More Cash In Your Pocket", gives you the steps
you need to generate $500 - $1,000 (or more) EXTRA
every month- and you don't need to understand
finance or economics.

And did I mention....It's Available TODAY!

Click Below to Get Your Copy for Just $16.99
complete with THOUSANDS of dollars in FREE

Loral cuts through the hyperbole and gets down
to the nitty-gritty of showing anyone how they can
take their passions and turn them into profits.

Congratulations Loral!

Put More Cash In Your Pocket Official Release!

Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting!

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Most Important 33 Minutes of Your Life?

 Stop the presses; forget the hype and the launch day mumbo-jumbo.
In fact, this isn't what you might think...
I just sent this to a friend of mine, and it didn't surprise me
when he responded back:
"Alex, this just may have been the most important 33 minutes of my
This is on extreme short notice, but I thought I might let you in
on this as well.  If you want to see exactly what he was talking
about then visit this link, and don't hesitate:
...and spend the next 33 minutes of your life wisely.  This is of
urgent attention, and I highly recommend if you "don't have time"
to do whatever you need to do to make it.
What's the Big Deal?
You may or may not of heard of a guy by the name of Michael
Rasmussen before, but chance are high that if you've bought any
quality product that's launched in a while - you may have made him
an affiliate commission.
This isn't a bad thing... and I'll tell you why:
Likely he made your investment worthwhile, and it's very likely
that if you followed any extras he gave you for doing so, that you
made some good money from it.
That's Why When...
Michael personally emailed me and told me that as one his top JV
partners, he was hooking me up with something that I could pass on
to you - it was a no-brainer...
However, I'm going to warn you beforehand... I can almost guarantee
you that if you're the type that only responds to crazy hype, and
guru promises of making $100k by tomorrow morning - then you're not
going to like this.
This is About Much More...
Than the usual broken promises and false claims of "cash
windfalls"... Michael's just not that type of guy - and to his
credit, it's probably one of the biggest reasons for his success.
In fact, he's so soft spoken, so the opposite of what we're used to
seeing - that it's amazing to me how he literally blows every other
big JV "out of the water" and post up numbers like this on a
regular basis:
* $56K from one affiliate promotion - making a just completely
insane 1,136 sales in 3 days...
* $94,730 from on affiliate promotion - racking up 2,878 sales in 3
days (that's not a typo).
Perhaps the most alarming fact about those figures...  they're both
recurring promotions.
(I know these figures sound *really* hard to believe - but I can
attest myself the sheer selling power this guy wields on any given
In fact, this guy is THE most sought out affiliate in Internet
Marketing today.    He regularly tops the leader-boards of the
biggest launches (in fact,  8 in just the last year).  And it
wasn't a surprise to me that when I launched my exclusive Google
Conquest coaching program, he grabbed that #1 spot too (...easily).
Here's The Most Import Part
Michael built his affiliate business from scratch, nothing, nada...
He knows what it's like when you still haven't quite 'got it right'
- and he obviously now knows something that 99% of even top
affiliates don't know.
That's why when he told me that he was releasing his complete
blueprint for building an unrelenting affiliate business online -
the exact process that he's used to go from broke to the kind of
figures I just mentioned above, I immediately had to get this out
to you.
He's never released this before, even to his closest of associates.
Obviously the guy can "put up" with figures like over 2,000
affiliate sales in 3 days...
And now, he's laid his entire business model out for a very few
lucky people who realize the enormity of what this could mean for
their online profits.
This isn't even available to the public yet, which is precisely why
it's in your best interest to move on this now.
He's launching this very soon, but before that there's a small
window of opportunity that you can grab Michael's Affiliate
Blueprint at an extremely discounted price.  This is only for his
most loyal subscribers, but he's given me permission to let you in
on this as well.
This Will Not Last...
I'll let him explain the details, but it's very likely that you may
come away with the impression that the next 33 minutes, just may
have turned out to be "the most important 33 minutes" of your life.
He will shut this down, it will sell out - and if you want in after
that, it'll be at the full launch price (which I can guarantee you
is a lot more than you'll invest right now).
Check this out now:
Remember, you're getting a huge discount just for moving on this
right now.  And when I say this an exclusive opportunity - I mean
Michael has allowed very few of his closest associates to send this
out.  Luckily, I was able to get you in on this, and I can
guarantee you - if you're serious about building a *real* income
online - then this is likely the single most important step you can
take from here...
Take advantage of it, while it lasts.  Here's your link again:
PS - I just got some more feedback from the friend I told you about
earlier - who is in and totally immersed in the training right now...
He's confirmed, that this was "the best investment" he's made in a
long time,  ...and I don't doubt it.