Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hot News: The power of conversational hypnosis

I've got some hot news for you today…

Unless you've been living under a rock you'll know that the power of NLP and Hypnosis have radically changed peoples lives…

NLP is pretty easy to learn BUT mastering everyday conversational hypnosis has always been a serious problem.

Do you know that the undisputed master of hypnosis (and the source of a surprising number of patterns in NLP as well) was Dr. Milton H. Erickson?

The thing is very few people have ever been able to master hypnosis like Erickson, let alone be able to successfully teach it to others.

Especially conversational hypnosis.

That is FINALLY about to change with the brand new release of "The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis".

It's by maverick hypnotist Igor Ledochowski, the author of the "Deep Trance Training Manual" and a world renowned Hypnotherapist trainer.

It's the most ADVANCED course ANYWHERE on conversational hypnosis.

In fact here's what hypnotic marketer, certified hypnotherapist and star of the NLP inspired hit film "The Secret" says about it…

"I didn't believe this material would be that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation.

"I've never seen or heard anything this complete, powerful, or convincing.

"I love it." Dr. Joe Vitale -

One of the reasons Dr. Joe Vitale loves this course is because he discovered secrets like…

* The entire Conversational Hypnosis Protocol, Igor's most closely held and powerful teachings.

* The powerful "hypnotic triple" command that SWAT teams use to force compliance…even in a      fire-fight with hardened criminals.

* How an instant rapport technique will get even total strangers to open up to you…reveal their inner longings…and give you all the clues you need to persuade them to do as you say.

* The conversational way to get a sales prospect to imagine the intense feelings of owning what you are selling, so they naturally feel compelled to buy right now!

In fact you can help them intensify the feelings so strongly that all objections simply melt away.

* The easiest way to join the elite group of "hypnotic persuasion experts" by using their secret patterns for influence…(it's easier than you think)

* Create an instant trigger to unleash your targets deepest desires…and how to point them in your direction…(Igor's innovative techniques are more refined and more powerful than any other)

* A simple trick that creates amnesia for any objection your target may have to your suggestion…they simply forget to remember what it was that might have stopped them from following your suggestions.

* What it means when your target "talks with their hands" and how to use their gestures to literally get inside their head.

* How to know if a target is "talking to themselves" with internal dialogue…and how to join that dialogue so your voice seems like it comes from inside their own mind!

And that's BARELY scratching the surface…

And what's even better for you it's being released for a limited time as a digital course so you'll be able to access it immediately.

* It comes with 16 Full CDs (as MP3s)

* The Full Transcripts + Manual (620+ Pages)

* The How To Master Conversational Hypnosis Cheat Sheets

* The How To Destroy Resistance With Stories Cheat Sheets

The site is live right now and the full digital version is available for over 3 times LESS than the physical version!

And because it's just been released it's specially discounted.

Please understand this extra discount could be pulled at anytime.

So do check it out now, while you can, I promise you won't be disappointed.

That's all the hypnosis news for today.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Test drive the ShoeMoney System for 60 days

If you missed out on the ShoeMoney System last month, then this may be your LAST CHANCE to get in!

Jeremy Shoemaker is re-opening the doors next week on Tuesday and this time he's letting you test-drive the system for 60 full days. Signup to the early notification list:

I just heard from Jeremy and he's opening up the ShoeMoney System next week on Tuesday.

He re-arranged the course material so that you get to make your first $100 before the first 30 days are over and your first $500 before 60 days are up.

Since Jeremy is using ClickBank as the payment platform, you get to test drive the product for 60 days. If you're unhappy ClickBank refunds your payment in full and you get to keep all the content and coupons received up to that point.

Frankly, you just can't pass up this offer.

Signup to the early notification list NOW!

See you at the top.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blogging to the Bank 2010... Powerful Information!

Subject: Blogging to the Bank 2010... Powerful Information!
If you're interested in making money from blogs and driving thousands of free visitors to your websites then this is going to be the most important email you read all year.
Because a young blogging millionaire from the UK has just blown the lid off all the blogging game.
His name is Rob Benwell and he's making up to $101,919 per month from blogging
He's already helped over 50,000 people make mone from blogging and now he's releasing his new and improved blogging blueprint to the world.
Just click below to download it now:
Now Rob is seen as one of the top blogging experts in the world. He's authored best selling ebooks and even spoke on stage in front of hundreds of people.
His latest blogging ebook, Blogging to the Bank 2010 looks like it's going to be another best seller as it's already selling really quick.
Now last time after a few thousand copies were sold he pulled the offer as he didn't want too many people flooding the marketplace
Rumours are that he is doing this again so you may not have long.
Just check out the website now before it's gone forever:
Here's just a few of the things Rob is going to share with you:
- How One Dumb Little Blog Can Earn Over $3,947 Per Month
- The 5 Biggest Secrets That Guarantees A Home Run Style Success For Any Blog You Create In 2010
- The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success
- How To Create Real Blogs In Just A Few Clicks
- REVEALED: The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $360k Per Year
- 6 Surefire Promotion Techniques That Are Responsible For Driving 2.1 Million Visitors To Just One Of His Blogs.
- How Any Business Or Individual Can use Blogging For More Exposure And Gain An Instant 'PHD' Credibility Status
- The One Technique No One Else Is Telling You About On How To Build A Multi Million Dollar Blogging Empire
Getting excited... You should be plus there's a ton more stuff all explained on the website:
Just go there now.
To your success!
PS. Rob's also got a shocking case study on the site that's really interesting to read about
It shows how he put his techniques up against some Guru's latest release and what happened next
There's all the results and everything uncensored on the site:


Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I never thought they would do it..

Subject: I never thought they would do it...

Pssst... I just got some rather surprising inside info that my friends Michael Cheney and "Million Dollar Mike" Morgan are "retiring" from working full-time in the IM niche.

And they have put together a massive firesale to fund another business.

Look, I'm shocked about this. They are both great assets to the IM community, but they are ready to spread their wings. And they want you to have this before they "retire."

In the video, they will walk you through their massive firesale. Almost 17 grand in amazing stuff, for pennies on the dollar.

If you have ever wanted to build an instant internet marketing library together that includes both ready-made products (complete with turnkey marketing) and world-class "how-to" information, then check this out:

The reason I'm sending this to you is to give you a "head start" for when Michael and Mike open up their huge firesale.

This is quality stuff, these two are some of the sharpest guys online. Take a look at what they are offering. It's all any newbie needs to go from nothing to success in nothing flat.

In fact, no matter where you're at from newbie to expert, the firesale has something to move you ahead on the web...

To your success.



Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting!

Friday, February 12, 2010

The ultimate guide to building a profitable blog

A step by step help to set up your blog...

Are you looking for one of the more reliable and authentic methods of making money from the Internet?

If you're sick of the scams, or just plain confused because you don't understand how people can ever make money online, then I have a real reat for you.

This report - called the "Roadmap To Become A Blogger" - won't cost you anything to download, and in my opinion is one of the best guides out there to learn how to build a successful blog.

You can download your copy from this website, you just need to enter your name and email to gain access to the download -

Blogs are websites, usually created by one person who decides to share information about a certain subject.

If the information is interesting, and the person writing to the blog is consistent, eventually the blog will build a readership.

When the blog has a few hundred or more readers, the blogger can then charge money for advertising.

Advertisements usually come in the form of banners, or small little text boxes with links in them (you probably have seen these before).

The blogger may also decide to write reviews of products related to that topic, and if any sales
are made from that review, the person writing the blog earns a commission for each product sold.

For example a blog might focus on cooking a certain type of food - perhaps Asian style cooking. When a new cookbook on Asian food is released, the blogger writes a review of the book on the blog and as a result sells 10 copies to his or her readers.

These are just two examples of how to make money from a blog. It's a lot like running your own online magazine, so if you enjoy publishing content, you will love blogging.

If you want a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to set up your blog, you really will benefit from this report -

The Roadmap To Become A Blogger:

The Roadmap report was written by Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak, two experts at online marketing.

Yaro has made a living from his blog for more than four years, and Gideon is a great trainer when it comes to using online video.

When Gideon and Yaro got together they decided to combine forces to create simple and easy to follow resources to help people get into blogging.

What I really admire about these two guys is the clarity of their teaching. After reading the Roadmap report you will see that blogging isn't really that hard.

The Roadmap report is made up of two parts -

1. Yaro's system for building a successful blog, which has been tested and implemented by hundreds of people who write blogs on very diverse topics, such as acne treatment, cars, golf, spirituality, personal development, american football, stock trading, and more...

2. Gideon's clever "X-Factor" techniques, which teach you how to use multimedia and social media to ensure your blog is a success.

Most blogs fail, so having both a proven formula for success, and some extra powerful techniques that will elevate your blog above the rest, is a near-guarantee of success - you just have to get out there and do the work.

If you're serious and ready for action, go grab your copy of the Roadmap now -

I'm confident you will benefit immensely from this document because I know it's the real deal, from two guys who are down to earth and you can trust.

And it won't cost you anything, so you may as well take a look :-)


P.S. The Roadmap report also comes in an mp3 audio format, which is Gideon reading out the report to you.

You can download the audio version at the same time as you download the text version of the report - and yes, it's also available at no cost.

Over 30,000 people have already downloaded the Roadmap, so go grab your copy of either the audio or text version from here -

Hey, sign up to SponsoredTweets and make some money tweeting! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's on like Donkey-Kong!

Are they insane?

 If you've wanted to build an instant "library" of proven information, here's your chance.

When you get there, you'll see more quality stuff than you have ever seen on one web page. (At least that's what I thought.)

What's it all about?

My good friends Michael Cheney and "Million Dollar Mike" Morgan are "retiring" from working full-time in the IM (Internet Marketing) niche.

And they have put together a massive firesale to fund a new business outside of IM.

It's likely you'll never see so much incredible "money-getting" information and so many quality ready-made income streams all in one place.

Go check it out, this humungous collection won't be available for long.

I'm still a bit shell-shocked at why they are "giving away the farm" but I'm also 110% recommending you take them up on this one-time deal...

To your success!


P.S. This link will tell you why Michael and Mike are "retiring" from the Internet Marketing niche...

You can copy their entire system here. . . Copy Paste Systems

Do you want to copy some very succesfull campaigns and use them for yourself?

That means you don't have to any market research, testing, tweaking, putting everything together. . .  it is already done for you.


With the new Copy Paste Systems that is opening up today, you get:

- The exact successful campaigns
- Optimized Landing pages
- The exact systems
- Templates
- and Processes that successfully generate profits . . .

You don't have to worry about the expensive trial and error crap that most people have to go through, because that's already done. This system is proven to work, and it leaves you with no "guess work."

Check it out here: *

If you've been struggling to get a system in place that will lead to your success, you need to take a look at this. Its not every day that someone will let you completely copy their most profitable systems, is it?

All the Best!



Monday, February 8, 2010

Grab this report... before it's too late

Subject: Grab this report... before it's too late

If you want to know the real truth about what it takes to make millions on the Internet, you should go claim this special report (for free).


Because I'm sick and tired of people "flailing and failing" because they don't have a solid blueprint to follow.

The report is called "From Zero to Hero In One Fell Swoop" and it was created by two web millionaires, Michael Cheney and "Million Dollar Mike" Morgan.

Cheney was a lazy loser who lived to drink. But these 4 master-keys made him a serious player...

"Million-Dollar Mike" has sold over two-hundred and fifty MILLION in products and services over the web... all because of these 4 master-keys.

What will this information do for you?

I have no idea. But every time someone gets these 4 master-keys - and puts them to the test, good things happen...

...that is if you supply the desire and follow-through with focus...

This report could be just the "shortcut" you've been looking for. The Master-keys are based on hard-won, real-world experience... ready for you to exploit.

Here's where you download it:

Oh yeah, you don't even have to opt-in to claim your report. Michael and Mike are giving you this information no strings attached.

Find out why here:

To your success,


P.S.  This report is only available for a short while. Mike and Michael will let you know why inside of the report. Look, I know these guys, the reasons surprised me...


Friday, February 5, 2010

Copy This $937/Day Affiliate Easy! Online Business Exposed...

I'll BET you $1,000 on something I discovered.

Remember they kept saying 2009 was a recession. Ummmm, let me prove them all not only wrong - but they did not know this existed ...

Look at this BRAND-NEW beast that requires zero experience:

This secret system is sending shock waves of surprise to almost everyone I know.

Those secret plug-it-in templates generate $124,787 EVERY 25 to 30 days - even if you are not 'motivated' at all!

See the FREE videos there - it's a homeless man who is making money from it!

I have yet to find a system that even comes close. You are GUARANTEED to make really good money.

Just try this and you'll see why several ordinary people are secretly never having to work again.

There are TWO factors that proved this:

1. Countless real, verified testimonials from ordinary people showing proof of results.

2. Even more authority testimonials from well-respected earners on the internet.... yes, this is very real.

Check inside how easy this thing is. I am using it myself and take a wild guess how much I'm doing on it.

Tell you what ... I'll BET you $1,000 that if this doesn't make $1,000 in 72 hours for you, then you can lay the blame on me. Heck, I will pay you $1,000 if it doesn't work assuming you copy exactly the system.

Trust me. This thing is the most powerful money-maker in existence. It works whether you are in debt, lazy, or just plain don't like ever doing work.

Heck, get a license for someone you know. This is astonishing.

Again, if you are truly ready for never having to worry about money ever again - just COPY this guy's blueprints immediately.

There is simply no way to fail. It's impossible to not make money (and a LOT of it) - I promise.

Yes, this is so easy - it's like someone cutting you a real check for $124k. Worst case: you will earn an full-time income working from home - that I can at least assure YOU, if you do nothing else.

To your success!!!

P.S. If I had to recommend just *ONE* program to easily retire with - this would be the one you cannot miss:

Seriously, it will NOT fail you (nor can it by design).

I'm shocked it works for a homeless guy caught on VIDEO.