Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Be Brave, Be Very Brave...

I want to ask you to do something that might go
against your nature.

You see, most people are terrified of anything

And they're afraid of anything they haven't done

Plus they're leery of taking any kind of "leap of

That's why so many people are STUCK right where
they are.

They're STUCK in a job they hate, driving a car
they don't like, living in a neighborhood they
don't care for.

They might not like their way of life, but change

What if...

What if they make a mistake?

What if they screw up?

What if someone  LAUGHS at them?

Best to just put your head down and resign
yourself to the life you have now, because
ANYTHING else is scary, right?

And what if...

What if they DO try something new, and they LIKE
it, and they're GOOD at it...

...now they're going to be KICKING themselves for
not having taken the chance SOONER!


Is any of this stuff holding you back?

Because if it's not, you're the EXCEPTION, not the

Most people let fear RUN their lives.

Here's an example...

I've been talking about a program called
"Automated Cash Formula."


Now, on the sales page it does an excellent job

a. telling you everything it is NOT

b. giving you plenty of examples and testimonials
to show you that it does in fact work.

To sum it up in a nutshell, "Automated Cash
Formula" is a system devised by a lazy window
washer to make money online WITHOUT any technical
skills and WITHOUT spending any money (other than
on the system itself, which is dirt cheap.)

I've had a LOT of people grab their own copies of
it, and a couple have already emailed me to tell
me they LOVE IT.

But I've had just as many people tell me that they

You know why???

Because ...

a) the website does NOT give you all the details
of what you'll be doing to earn money (you have
to buy the system to get that)

b) because it sounds REALLY GOOD! Or as some say,
it sounds too good to be true.

Do you know that there are guys and gals who do
nothing more than sit behind a desk 20 - 40 hours
per week, listen to the reports of their staff,
and occasionally make a decision or two...

...who earn more in a year than the gross national
product of small countries???

That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

Yet it is true!

I could give you a hundred examples of, "too good
to be true, "but who needs them?

Look, knowing EVERYTHING you know about marketing

...do you really think that working for two hours
to make a few hundred dollars or more is

There are people out there who make FOUR AND FIVE
AND SIX figures simply by sending an email to
their list promoting a new product!!!

And I'm not even asking you to take a chance or a

All I'm saying is, check the program out and see
what you're missing.

Find out what it's all about.

See if you don't agree with every one of the
testimonials you find on this page...


And if you don't, you get your money back!

And it's not even very much money at all,
especially considering what you get in return.


Okay, rant over.

Here's just a small sample of what you'll discover
in the "Automated Cash Formula..."

--Forget doing any technical stuff. If you can
click a mouse, you can do this...

--How to vastly increase your profits...

--The one magic sentence that gets other people
desperate to make YOU money...

--Why you won't need to speak to anyone to
succeed at this...

--Where to get mind blowing software that will
supercharge your efforts by doing 2 hours work for
you in about 10 minutes...

--Genuine autopilot income that doesn't involve
you promoting anything yourself. You're not
selling a product or dealing with customers.

In fact, you're not even doing any marketing!

--How to use secret search engine tricks to make
money WITHOUT SEO, pay-per-click or any kind of

--The simple 'Plug & Play' system that makes you
money on autopilot 24/7...

--How to rake in even MORE cash on total
autopilot with The Advanced Viral Cash Avalanche

--Why you've got ENDLESS income opportunities
using these systems... In fact, you can make money
with this from now until forever...

--AND you can make money from practically ANYWHERE
in the world - all you need is access to a
computer with an Internet connection.


P.S. As Wayne Gretsky said, "You miss 100% of the
shots you don't take."

Take a shot.

It could be the best thing you ever did for

If it's not, no worries. You get 100% of your
money back, no questions asked.



Forget Distractions, Long Hours, No Time For The Kids, Failing @ Your Business, Ignoring Your Spouse!

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